This website is a curated collection of typefaces that are available under a variety of free licences somewhere on the interwebs.
Your World of Text
Infinite canvas of editable multi-user text
Butterick's Practical Typography
practicaltypography.comUser Interface Typography
imperavi.comThis book is about how to do good user interface typography, from basic things and principles to building layout and various design elements. The book has hundreds of illustrations that explain every nuance and principle.
Olga Prinku

Text Rendering Hates You
faultlore.comRendering text, how hard could it be? As it turns out, incredibly hard! To my knowledge, literally no system renders text “perfectly”. It’s all best-effort, although some efforts are more important than others.
Comic Mono
Times New Bastard
It’s Times New Roman but every seventh letter is jarringly sans serif.
Fonts In Use
Fonts In Use is a public archive of typography indexed by typeface, format, industry, and period. Supported by examples contributed by the public, we document and examine graphic design with the goal of improving typographic literacy and appreciation. Designers use our site for project research, type selection and pairing, and discovering new ways to choose and use fonts.
Knit Grotesk
Knit grotesk is the first type family made especially for hand knitting
Cool website too!