Genius, and then the hot glue and angle grinder make an appearance.
La Sentinelle

Each needlepoint represents a scene from the video game The Sentinel (1986) created by Geoff Crammond—initially for BBC Micro. Each scene is illuminated by a unique color duo from the game’s eight-shade palette, here in the ZX Spectrum version—ported by Mike Follin.
The exact transfer of the game screens’ pixels onto the embroidery canvas grid, combined with the airy wool material, produces a luminous effect whose precision and shimmer are reminiscent of the cathode-ray screen.
Super Mario 64 on the Gameboy Advance
youtube.comYou should be playing Music League
theverge.comMusic League makes music social in a way that social media algorithms, ironically, do not
SM64’s Invisible Walls Explained Once and for All
youtube.comComplete thorough analysis of Mario 64’s invisible walls. How they occur, detailing every single invisible all instance in every single level.
Your World of Text
Infinite canvas of editable multi-user text
The game magazine that spent two years taunting a Final Fantasy VIII hater
ff8isthe.bestAwesome Games Done Quick's adorable dog speedrun was just the start
theverge.comForgotten Worlds
forgottenworlds.netA celebration of old video game magazines.
browser wipEout
phoboslab.orgPlay wipEout in the browser, and read the article written about rewriting it.
Stack Ball Fall 3D
Find the year and location of photos.
Street Fighter II, Paper Trails
fabiensanglard.netOver the past six months, I have spent my spare time studying Capcom success stories and in particular the genesis of Street Fighter II. If discovering the engineering behind the CPS-1 was fascinating, I found the side story of how developers tracked ROM budget using paper and scissors equally interesting.
The DOOM Effect
Free chapter from the eBook Shareware Heroes. Plus the website is amazing.
Guess the year a photo was taken.