Listen to live air traffic control radio mixed with lofi hip hop.
lofi air traffic control
lofiatc.comFugazi — Waiting Room
youtube.comBob Vylan — Health Is Wealth
youtube.comDry Cleaning — Magic of Meghan
youtube.comViagra Boys — In Spite Of Ourselves
youtube.comSearching for Meg White
elle.comIt’s been over a decade since we’ve heard from the elusive White Stripes drummer. Could renewed attention over a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nomination coax her back into the spotlight?
Tool — Live Philadelphia 1992
youtube.comFairbuds XL
theguardian.comThis ethical and repairable design proves Bluetooth headphones can be more sustainable
Snapped Ankles — Jonny Guitar Calling Gosta Berlin
youtube.comYou're Wrong About — Napster with Niko Stratis
buzzsprout.comThis week, a tale of two Shawns/Seans, their impossible dream, and the file sharing service that lived fast, died young, and helped create the internet as we know it. Plus, Metallica.