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Brex's Prompt Engineering Guide

[This is] based on lessons learned from researching and creating Large Language Model (LLM) prompts for production use cases. It covers the history around LLMs as well as strategies, guidelines, and safety recommendations for working with and building programmatic systems on top of large language models, like OpenAI’s GPT-4.

Fairbuds XL

This ethical and repairable design proves Bluetooth headphones can be more sustainable

QAZ Cyberdeck

A compact cyberdeck, featuring a QAZ 35% keyboard, Banana Pi M2 Zero SBC and 7.9 inch monitor.

Why I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Denormalized Tables

I quickly learned that writing one giant query with a bunch of joins or even bunch of Python helper functions could get me stuck. My transformation functions weren’t flexible enough, or my joins were too complicated to answer the endless variety of questions thrown my way while keeping the numbers correct.

Instead, the easiest way to be fast, nimble, and answer all the unexpected questions was to prepare a giant table or dataframe and limit myself to it. As long as I understood the table’s contents, it was harder to make mistakes. I could group by and aggregate on the fly with confidence.


I have a rail line right under my apartment, so I built a small computer vision app running on a Rasperry Pi which records each train passing, and tries to stitch an image of it.

More information about this project can be found here.

Knit Grotesk

Knit grotesk is the first type family made especially for hand knitting

Cool website too!