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Kevin Krautgartner — Pipeline

The Humbling Tyranny Of The Photos Our Kids Take Of Us

As unbecoming as they may be, the portrait a child takes might be the most frank visual diary of contemporary parenthood that can be found on one’s bloated camera roll. They are technicolor tributes to what it felt like to be in these homebound moments together, featuring us as we are, with a lot of chins, a lot of cellulite, a lot of messy hair. The photos do what kids do best: they wholeheartedly engage with the present moment.


Guess the year a photo was taken.

Glaze: Protecting Artists from Style Mimicry

Our tool adds very small changes to Karla’s original artwork before it is posted online. These changes are barely visible to the human eye, meaning that the artwork still appears nearly identical to the original, while still preventing AI models from copying Karla’s style. We refer to these added changes as a “style cloak” and changed artwork as “cloaked artwork.”

Sony Design Gallery

Meet Me In The Bathroom

Probably the best music documentary I’ve seen since The Punk Singer.

Swan Boy

Everyone needs to grow up

In an age where so much agency has been taken away from young adults, when they face futures saddled with debt, unable to access the basic material trappings of adulthood… a retreat into the dubious comforts of a pseudo-childhood will have its pull

Something Pretty Right: A History of Visual Basic

Coolest website i’ve seen a quite a while.