Understanding when and why men outperform women, and under what circumstances that can change, is suddenly a fraught topic.
Why we can't stand feeling bored
theguardian.comSo which is it: a fertile, imaginative state or mind-numbing agony?
The answer, according to experts, is both. Like life’s proverbial lemons, boredom is what you make of it.
Should More of Us Be Moving to Live Near Friends?
architecturaldigest.comBad influence
theverge.comOne Amazon influencer makes a living posting content from her beige home. But after she noticed another account hawking the same minimal aesthetic, a rivalry spiraled into a first-of-its-kind lawsuit. Can the legal system protect the vibe of a creator? And what if that vibe is basic?
What Can You Learn from Photographing Your Life?
newyorker.comthe immediately sharable dressing-room selfies, appetizer snapshots, and view-from-the-hotel-balcony landscapes that aren’t meant to be art works but are, instead, “about developing and conveying your view, your experience, your imagination in the now.”
Lily Allen Says She Earns More Money from Feet Pics on OnlyFans Than Spotify
consequence.netAI used by Tasmanian government to validate Chambroad's Kangaroo Bay hotel job claims
abc.net.auIn response, the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s State Planning Office said in the report that it had deemed the job numbers “reasonable” after using Microsoft’s Copilot AI assistant.
Jesus fucking christ.
Lighthouse Parents Have More Confident Kids
theatlantic.comLike a lighthouse that helps sailors avoid crashing into rocks, Lighthouse Parents provide firm boundaries and emotional support while allowing their children the freedom to navigate their own challenges. They demonstrate that they trust their kids to handle difficult situations independently. The key is learning when to step back and let them find their own way.
The Trouble with Friends
newyorker.comThe wonder, and the curse, of friendship is choice.
Study: Gen Z Having Less Sex Due To Allure Of Leftovers At Home
theonion.comThis Publicly Funded Stadium Will Benefit Everyone Who Owns the Stadium
mcsweeneys.netComfortable with the struggle
rachsmith.comIf I had to pick one trait, it would be the ability to be comfortable with “the struggle”. That part of the day/hour/minute where the code isn’t doing what you expected, things aren’t looking like they should, or where things are going wrong and you don’t know why. The times where you’ve planned out a system, realised you’ve screwed it up and missed something crucial, again. The times where you swear at the screen, let out a massive sigh or
hitrest your head on the desk in exasperation.
Moral progress is annoying
aeon.coYou might feel you can trust your gut to tell right from wrong, but the friction of social change shows that you can’t.
Strength Training
thepointmag.comExercise uses energy, burns calories, perhaps maintains a certain level of fitness. Training aims at definite improvement. “The difference between a workout and training,” she writes, “is a smart, predictable increase of intensity.”
101 Additional Advices
- Admitting that “I don’t know” at least once a day will make you a better person.
- If you think someone is normal, you don’t know them very well. Normalcy is a fiction. Your job is to discover their weird genius.
- There should be at least one thing in your life you enjoy despite being no good at it. This is your play time, which will keep you young. Never apologize for it.
- Never accept a work meeting until you’ve seen the agenda and know what decisions need to be made. If no decisions need to be made, skip the meeting.