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World's Strangest Research Vessel Heads for Scrapyard After 60 Years


Endless stream of obscure media and video ephemera

The Great British Bake Off: Depression Meals Week

Shanti’s Pa-jam-a Toast

SHANTI: This is what I eat when I haven’t gotten out of my pajamas all day.

PAUL: Nicely toasted. Proper jam distribution. Well done.

PRUE: Jam is just lovely—very original flavors.

SHANTI: Thank you. It’s what was left at the bottom of a bunch of nearly empty jars all mixed together.

PRUE: And I wouldn’t have thought to use half of a hot dog bun as the base, but it does work.

How a suburban skate ramp drew pro skateboarder Tony Hawk to Tasmania in the 90s

On December 3, 1990, world-renowned professional skateboarder Tony Hawk dropped into a ramp on a skateboard in the suburb of Rosny in Hobart.

Hawk performed “pretty much” every trick possible on a vert ramp — a ramp with a flat bottom and steep vertical section at the top — in front of a captivated audience drawn from all over the state.

His presence, on one of a handful of public skate ramps in Tasmania at the time, was unbelievable.

It was his first and only visit to Tasmania.

Titanic: First ever full-sized scans reveal wreck as never seen before

Could Ice Cream Possibly Be Good For You?

Could the idea that ice cream is metabolically protective be true? It would be pretty bonkers. Still, there are at least a few points in its favor. For one, ice cream’s glycemic index, a measure of how rapidly a food boosts blood sugar, is lower than that of brown rice. “There’s this perception that ice cream is unhealthy, but it’s got fat, it’s got protein, it’s got vitamins. It’s better for you than bread,” Mozaffarian said. “Given how horrible the American diet is, it’s very possible that if somebody eats ice cream and eats less starch … it could actually protect against diabetes.”

Re-Sohko Transform Box

Spurious Correlations