Too many hosts, too much talk about ChatGPT. Chaos.
Swan Boy
swanboy.comCan We Make Bicycles Sustainable Again?
solar.lowtechmagazine.comCycling is the most sustainable form of transportation, but the bicycle is becoming increasingly damaging to the environment. The energy and material used for its production go up while its life expectancy decreases.
The Hundred Best Lists of All Time
- The Apollo 11 surface checklist
- Warren Buffett’s “Investment Criteria Checklist”
- This grocery list
- Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- The U.S. Declaration of Independence list of grievances
- The Fibonacci Sequence
- Santa’s List!
Squares in Squares
erich-friedman.github.ioThe following pictures show n unit squares packed inside the smallest known square (of side length s). For the n not pictured, the trivial packing (with no tilted squares) is the best known packing.
Yeti Coolers Are Washing Up on Alaska Beaches
outsideonline.comTasmania can power itself with hydro — but your electricity bill is not immune from price hikes rules for buying an ebike, and the 11 ebikes to buy now
ryanj.substack.comWhat You Need to Know About ‘Soup Mother’
grubstreet.comWhat all the soups had in common, and what piqued Grub’s curiosity, was that they had all been made from the same soup base, which Pickowicz had been continuously cooking and feeding with new ingredients. She calls it her “Soup Mother.” As a technique, the idea of a never-ending stew has been around, quite literally, forever…
Sean Lock: Comedian and 8 Out of 10 Cats captain dies aged 58
bbc.comCaffeine, the World's Most Popular Psychoactive Drug
kottke.orgYoung children tend to exhibit lantern consciousness; so do many people on psychedelics. This more diffuse form of attention lends itself to mind wandering, free association, and the making of novel connections — all of which can nourish creativity. By comparison, caffeine’s big contribution to human progress has been to intensify spotlight consciousness — the focused, linear, abstract and efficient cognitive processing more closely associated with mental work than play.