Sometimes, though, a slippery slope is real. In the early days of the automobile, some critics feared cars would take over city streets — and that we’d get so addicted to car travel that we’d rebuild the whole country around cars. Those critics nailed it. That really did happen. The same thing goes with Facebook or other social media; some early critics predicted they’d poison social and civic life. Again: Nailed it.
The 200 Best Albums of the Last 25 Years, According to Pitchfork Readers
pitchfork.comBehold, I Have Returned from a Hike…Fear not. I have returned intact—with several dozen selfies and the unwarranted belief that if you didn’t walk around in the woods yesterday your life is worthless.
For I, your former associate and now idol, went for a hike. Gaze upon my photos and weep.
How to Get Things Done When You Don't Want to Do Anything
nytimes.comRadiohead Reissuing Kid A and Amnesiac With New Album of Unreleased Songs
pitchfork.comMinus is a finite social network where you get 100 posts—for life
minus.socialThermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
reddit.comMeet the Self-Hosters, Taking Back the Internet One Server at a Time
vice.comHelga Stentzel | Household Surrealism
helgastentzel.comHUW MESSIE — Stop Motion Embroidery
huwmessie.comSean Lock: Comedian and 8 Out of 10 Cats captain dies aged 58
bbc.comNick Cave responding to a question about whether he's had covid vaccine, and if it hurts “the soul”
twitter.comInstallation Topographies of Pleasure/ Lorna de Santos
archdaily.comThe Questions Concerning Technology — by L. M. Sacasas — The Convivial Society
theconvivialsociety.substack.comThis is not, of course, an exhaustive set of questions, nor do I claim any unique profundity for them. I do hope, however, that they are useful, wherever we happen to find ourselves in relation to technological artifacts and systems.
Caffeine, the World's Most Popular Psychoactive Drug
kottke.orgYoung children tend to exhibit lantern consciousness; so do many people on psychedelics. This more diffuse form of attention lends itself to mind wandering, free association, and the making of novel connections — all of which can nourish creativity. By comparison, caffeine’s big contribution to human progress has been to intensify spotlight consciousness — the focused, linear, abstract and efficient cognitive processing more closely associated with mental work than play.