An up close an personal look into why we should be extremely careful when sharing about ourselves online, no matter how shiny an app or network might be.
You should be playing Music League
theverge.comMusic League makes music social in a way that social media algorithms, ironically, do not
101 Additional Advices
- Admitting that “I don’t know” at least once a day will make you a better person.
- If you think someone is normal, you don’t know them very well. Normalcy is a fiction. Your job is to discover their weird genius.
- There should be at least one thing in your life you enjoy despite being no good at it. This is your play time, which will keep you young. Never apologize for it.
- Never accept a work meeting until you’ve seen the agenda and know what decisions need to be made. If no decisions need to be made, skip the meeting.
We Need To Rewild The Internet
noemamag.comThe internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture. But we can revitalize it using lessons learned by ecologists.
Iggy Pop — Sister Midnight
youtube.comSM64’s Invisible Walls Explained Once and for All
youtube.comComplete thorough analysis of Mario 64’s invisible walls. How they occur, detailing every single invisible all instance in every single level.
Amanda, There Is No Audience
kottke.orgYears ago, when I was in my 20s, a bold and artistically daring older friend who has since passed on gave me what I often think was the best advice I have ever gotten. I was worrying what ‘people would think’ of a decision I had made, and she said, “Amanda, There is no audience.”
Ben Thomas
benthomas.coOpenAI Training Bot Crawls ‘World's Lamest Content Farm’ 3 Million Times in One Day
404media.coOne Minute Park
sites.elliott.computerRandom parks, one minute at a time.
Joan As Police Woman — The Magic
youtube.comSpotify AI fail
…not that functional though.
Spotify launches personalized AI playlists that you can build using prompts
techcrunch.comFINALLY. This is the only AI feature that was inevitable in any app, and I’ve been waiting soooooo long.