Reddit not learning the lessons of Twitter.
Searching for Meg White
elle.comIt’s been over a decade since we’ve heard from the elusive White Stripes drummer. Could renewed attention over a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nomination coax her back into the spotlight?
Captcha Is Asking Users to Identify Objects That Don't Exist
vice.comThe issue with hCaptcha’s strange AI generated prompts highlights two issues with machine learning systems. The first is that the AI systems require an enormous amount of human input to not be terrible. Typically image labeling is outsourced to foreign workers who do it for pennies on the dollar. The other is the issue of data drift. The longer these machine learning systems run, the more input they require. Inevitably, they begin to use data they’ve generated to train themselves. Systems that train on themselves long enough become AI Hapsburgs, churning out requests to identify incomprehensible objects like “Yokos.”
Noise Is All around Us—and It's Affecting You More than You Think
thewalrus.caSound aesthetic is important for another reason besides our pleasure. It might lead to a more ethical relationship with our environment and the people around us. Jordan says, once we deal with harmful, excessive noise that causes physical and psychological damage, we might want to reconsider how we deal with the soundscapes we live and work in. He thinks it would make us better citizens and better humans.
See your identity pieced together from stolen data you ever wondered how much of your personal information is available online? Here’s your chance to find out.
badidea.zipTitanic: First ever full-sized scans reveal wreck as never seen before
bbc.comHow companies use dark patterns to keep you subscribed
pudding.coolI wanted to explore the malicious, confusing, and deceitful things that occur after signing up for digital services, as well as how design can nudge us to forget about a free trial or accidentally sign up for things that we didn’t intend to.
Dark patterns are often most egregious with subscriptions and free trials, especially when attempting to cancel, so I focused on those.
The Internet Isn't Meant To Be So Small
defector.comThough it makes me feel like a grandmother on her deathbed to admit it, I remember the days when the internet was vast, when there seemed to be more places to go than anyone could ever visit and infinite things to read. What you saw was not determined by some highly protected coded algorithm that lives somewhere in the cloud. You could just go out and find it.
Do Tasmanians Want A New Stadium?
youtube.comHow to feel less lonely as you get older
psyche.coOngoing loneliness, which can be accompanied by sadness, boredom or a sense of emptiness, can interfere with daily life. At times, loneliness may dampen the motivation to engage in day-to-day activities and even contribute to a withdrawal from others…
…Learning ways to cope with loneliness, then, might help with managing stress and maintaining overall wellness.
weird little aggregator shutdown
belong.ioNo posts today! Murdered by Elon.
One of the few aggregators I loved to use. Goodbye.